You are welcome again to Gospeltouch. Today I will be sharing with you a special topic titled HOW TO SPEAK IN TONGUES.
If you have been asking this question
" How can I speak in tongues?" You are at the right place. Read till the end and also if you find this article helpful to you ,share it with your friends through the social media links below . Let get started.
How to speak in tongues.
Over the centuries,there has been much misunderstanding in the church concerning the matter of speaking in tongues,not only among those who don't speak but also among those that do.
You see,the Holy spirit is present in the new birth to bear witness with your spirit that you are a child of God.(Rom.8: 14,16) . The Bible calls the New birth experience receiving CHRIST( John 1:12) , receiving Eternal life(1 John 5:11) or receiving forgiveness of sin(Acts 26:18).
On the other hand,as you read the book of Acts , you'll notice that it says People receive the Holy ghost,are filled with the Holy ghost,are baptized with the Holy ghost,or receive gift the Holy ghost. All the four terms are used in the Acts of the Apostles concerning the same experience,and this experience comes after a person is born again.
* Speaking with other tongues is always manifested when one is baptized with the Holy Ghost. It us the supernatural evidence of the Holy Ghost's infilling in a person life*
*The spiritual gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues are distinctive of the dispensation in which we live(1 cor.12:1-11).
How to speak in tongues Step number one
Welcome to step number one on how to speak in tongues.
* You must receive salvation*
A person who has not been saved cannot speak in tongues. Because a sinner cannot be baptized with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is what gives us the utterance to speak in tongues.
Now let see what the Word of God Said about this;
John 14:16-17
"16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter,that He may abide with you forever.
"17 Even the spirit of Truth,whom the world cannot receive.
What is Jesus talking about here? He says that the world cannot receive the spirit of Truth. The world here refers to sinners _ to those who are outside of Christ. But the world (sinners) can receive the new birth according to John 3:16 , Because Jesus was sent to save the world.
So we know that the WORLD can receive Salvation and that the Holy Spirit is the one who recreates human spirit in the new birth.
Step number two on how to speak in tongues.
Welcome to step number two on how to speak in tongues.
*Get baptized with the Holy Spirit(be filled with the Holy Spirit)
It is the Holy Spirit that enables a believer to speak in tongues. The Holy Spirit gives a believer the utterance to speak in tongues. So that means without the Holy Spirit we can not speak in tongues. And the Holy Spirit is GOD'S promise to His people.
Acts 2:38
"For the promise(of the Holy Spirit) is for you and your children and for all who are far away (including the Gentiles) as many as the Lord God calls to Himself".
So you now understand that the Holy Spirit is for you as a child of God.
How to receive the Holy Spirit; two ways
* Asking by faith*
*Laying of hands*
*Asking by faith:
Faith in GOD'S WORD never fail. When you ask GOD( the Father of faith) by faith ,He will always hear you. So when you ask GOD for the Holy Spirit (to be filled ),He will give it to you.
*Laying of hands:
You can go to your pastor,whom you know that he is in a good position of baptizing believers with the Holy Spirit. Because every man of God does not have the ability to get people filled with the Holy Spirit.
When you get filled with the Holy Ghost,the first evidence is speaking in tongues. You may not speak for so long. Some times believers will utter few words in tongues. But don't stop it there. Make it your every day habit. Don't speak for just minutes. Speak for hours every day and you will see yourself going deeper. Revelations will start coming.